01 Preparation in your own country
A large selection of “own” properties in Spain and the cooperation with several other respected estate agents makes it possible for us to offer you always a wide range of properties in the price range and region of your choice.
Already in your own country we can inform and advise you on all aspects involved in the purchase of a “second” home in Spain. Through modern media techniques as well as the extensive information on our web page you can start your journey well prepared.
You can also reach us by phone, Facebook, email or through the chat box on our website.
We also have partner offices in various countries which can inform you about the purchase of a property in Spain.
Good communication between you and the estate agent in Spain is very important during the preparations at home.
Tummers Invest is pleased to inform you in advance about the entire purchase procedure, the additional costs, the Spanish tax system and answers all your questions so you can start well prepared for your viewing trip to Spain.
If you wish we can also send you a selection of properties by email that meet your requirements and are within your budget.
Through good communications and personal contact with the customer we get a good idea of what you are exactly looking for and during your visit to Spain we just show you properties which are really interesting for you.